
Research Areas
There are 3 Research areas in the Telecommunication Engineering Department:
- Communications, Networking and Signal Processing (CSM-LAB)
- Antenna and Microwave Engineering (AM-LAB)
- Data Science, Computational Intelligence and Cybersecurity (DCIC-LAB)
Delali Kwasi Dake; James Dzisi Gadze; Griffith Selorm Klogo; and Henry Nunoo-Mensah (2021). Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Framework in SDN-IoT for Transient Load Detection and Prevention. Technologies 9(3), 44:
James Dzisi Gadze; Reynah Akwafo; Kwame Agyeman-Prempeh Agyekum; Kwasi Adu-Boahen Opare (2021). A 100 Gbps OFDM-Based 28 GHz Millimeter-Wave Radio over Fiber Fronthaul System for 5G. Optics. 2(2):70–86.
Clement Nartey; Eric Tutu Tchao; James Dzisi Gadze; Eliel Keelson; Griffith Selorm Klogo; Benjamin Kommey; Kwasi Diawuo (2021). On Blockchain and IoT Integration Platforms: Current Implementation Challenges and Future Perspectives. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing. 2021:1–25.
Emmanuel Ampoma Affum; Kwame Agyeman-Prempeh Agyekum; Christian Adumatta Gyampomah; Kwadwo Ntiamoah-Sarpong; James Dzisi Gadze (2021). Smart Home Energy Management System Based on the Internet of Things (IoT). International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA) 12(2):722-730
James Dzisi Gadze; Akua Acheampomaa Bamfo-Asante; Justice Owusu Agyemang; Henry Nunoo- Mensah; Kwasi Adu-Boahen Opare. (2021) An Investigation into the Application of Deep Learning in the Detection and Mitigation of DDOS Attack on SDN Controllers. Technologies 9(14):1-22,
Justice Owusu Agyemang, Jerry John Kponyo, Griffith Selorm Klogo, Joshua Ofori Boateng, Lightweight rouge access point detection algorithm for WiFi-enabled Internet of Things (IoT) devices, Internet of Things, Volume 11, 2020, 100200, ISSN 2542-6605,
E.Ramde, E.W.; Tchao, E.T.; Fiagbe, Y.A.K.; Kponyo, J.J.; Atuah, A.S. Pilot Low-Cost Concentrating Solar Power Systems Deployment in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Case Study of Implementation Challenges. Sustainability 2020, 12, 6223.
Kwame O.-B Obour Agyekum, Q. Xia, E. B. Sifah, C. N. A. Cobblah, H. Xia and J. Gao, "A Proxy Re-Encryption Approach to Secure Data Sharing in the Internet of Things Based on Blockchain," in IEEE Systems Journal, doi: 10.1109/JSYST.2021.3076759.
Sifah, Emmanuel Boateng, Qi Xia, Hu Xia, Kwame O.-B Obour, Agyekum, Kingsley Nketia Acheampong, Christian Nii Aflah Cobblah, and Jianbin Gao. "Selective Sharing of Outsourced Encrypted Data in Cloud Environments." IEEE Internet of Things Journal (2021).
E. B. Sifah, Q. Xia, Kwame O.-B Obour Agyekum, H. Xia, A. Smahi and J. Gao, "A Blockchain Approach to Ensuring Provenance to Outsourced Cloud Data in a Sharing Ecosystem," in IEEE Systems Journal, doi: 10.1109/JSYST.2021.3068224.
Simon Atuah Asakipaam, Jerry John Kponyo, Justice Owusu Agyemang, Frederick Egyin Appiah-Twum, “A Critical Survey on Overhead Control Traffic Reduction Strategies in Software-Defined Wireless Sensor Networking”, International Journal of Computer Networks and Applications (IJCNA), Volume 8, Issue 1, January – February (2021). DOI: 10.22247/ijcna/2021/207978.
Simon Atuah Asakipaam, Jerry John Kponyo, Justice Owusu Agyemang and FredrickAppiah-Twum, “Design of A Minimal Overhead Control Traffic Topology Discovery and Data Forwarding Protocol for Software-Defined Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS) Vol. 12, No. 3, December 2020.
Jerry John Kponyo, Justice Owusu Agyemang, Griffith Selorm Klogo, Joshua OforiBoateng, “Lightweight and host-based denial of service (DoS) detection and defense mechanism for resource-constrained IoT devices”, Internet of Things, Volume 12, 2020, 100319
M. Ghahremani, Ch. Gbobadi, J. Nourinia, S. V. Masuminia, M. S. Ellis, B. Mohammadi, "Compact WLAN/C-Band Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Antenna", 10th International Symposium on Telecommunications, pp. 1 - 5, Dec. 2020.
M. S. Ellis, F.B. Effah, A-R. Rahman, J. J. Kponyo, J. Nourinia, Ch. Gbobadi, B. Mohammadi, "Asymmetric circularly polarized open-slot antenna", Int. J. RF Microw. Comput. Aided Eng., e22141, pp. 1 - 10, 2020.
- M. S. Ellis, A-R. Rahman, J. J. Kponyo, J. Nourinia, Ch. Gbobadi, B. Mohammadi, "Simple circularly polarized planar monopole inverted T-shaped antenna", Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett., pp. 1 - 6, 2019.
- M. S. Ellis, A-R. Rahman, J. J. Kponyo, F. B. Effah, J. Nourinia, Ch. Gbobadi, B. Mohammadi, "Compact broadband circularly polarized printed antenna with a shifted monopole and modified ground plane", Institute of Physics (IOP) Journal of Instrumentation, 14, P11026, pp. 1 - 10, 2019.
- M. S. Ellis, A-R. Rahman, J. J. Kponyo, J. Nourinia, Ch. Gbobadi, B. Mohammadi, "Undirectional planar monopole antenna using a quasi-radiator", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 157-161, 2019.
- M. Ahadi, Ch.Gbobadi, J. Nourinia, M. S. Ellis, F. Alizadeh, B. Mohammadi, " Compact planar UWB Elliptical vivaldi antenna", IEEE 5th Conference in Knowledge based engineering and innovation (KBEI), pp. 128-131, 2019
- Medhi Ghahremani, Ch. Gbobadi, J. Nourinia, M. S. Ellis, Farzad Alizadeh, B. Mohammadi, "A Miniaturized UWB antenna with dual band rejection of WLAN/WiMAX using slitted EBG structure", IET Microw. Antennas and Propagation, 13(3), 2019
- Joseph A. K. Nsor, A.-R. Rahman, Severin Azankpo, Eric Aggrey, M. S. Ellis, "Investigation of potential RFI threats to Ghana Radio Telescope Observatory-Nkutunse", American Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, vol. 7, no. 1, 2019
- F. B. Effah, Phillip Okyere, M. S. Ellis, P. Wheeler, A. Watson, J. Clare, and J. Ojo, “Three-level indirect matrix converter with two series Z-Source Networks, Carpathian Journal of Electrical Engineering, vol. 13, no. 1, 2019.
- M. S. Ellis, A-R. Rahman, J. J. Kponyo, J. Nourinia, Ch. Gbobadi, B. Mohammadi, "Miniaturized printed monopole antenna with a linked ground plane and radiator", IET Electronic Letters, vol. 54, no. 11, 2018
- M. S. Ellis, A.-R. Rahman, J. J. Kponyo, “Miniaturized Planar Monopole UWB Antenna with Integrated RFID/GPS/GSM/WLAN Bands using Capacitively Loaded Loop Resonator”, International Journal of Wireless and Microwave Engineering, vol. 8, no. 6, 2018.
- Joseph A. K. Nsor, A.-R. Rahman, Joyce Koranteng-Acquah, M. S. Ellis, "Investigation of potential RFI threats to Ghana Radio Telescope Observatory-Nkutunse", International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, vol. 6, no. 8, 2017
- M. S. Ellis, A-R. Rahman, J. J. Kponyo, "A circularly polarized planar monopole antenna with wide AR bandwidth using a novel radiator/ground structure", Global Journals of Researches in Engineering, 2017
- A.-R. Ahmed, D.H. Lee and K.W. Yeom, "On-wafer Noise Parameters Measurement Using an Extended 6-Port Network and Conventional Noise Figure Analyzer," International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies. Cambridge Pulications in assoication with European Microwave Assoication. (accepted).
- A.-R. Ahmed, J.J. Kponyo, K.A. Opare, K. S. Nwezege, H. I. Frank, H. Hamdoun, S. Alshehri and L. U. Akazua, "The 6-port Technique for Extraction of the Noise Correlation Matrix of 2-port DUT: A theoretical Verification Through Simulation," International Journal of Simulations, Systems, Science and Technologies. (accepted)
- H. I. Frank, K. S. Nwezege, J.J. Kponyo, A.-R. Ahmed, H. Hamdoun, and L. U. Akazua, "Efficient RFID Modulation Scheme for Better Ubiquitous Network Performance," International Journal of Simulations, Systems, Science and Technologies. (accepted)
- Nunoo-Mensah, H., Boateng, K. O., and Gadze, J., “Tamper-aware authentication framework for wireless sensor networks,” IET Wireless Sensor Systems, January 2017.
- J. D. Gadze, M. Cobbah and G. S. Klogo, “Network Intrusion Detection And Countermeasure Selection In Virtual Network (NIDCS)”, International Journal of Security, Privacy and Trust Management (IJSPTM) Vol 5, No 1, February 2016.
- J. D. Gadze, Griffith S. Klogo and T. Anafo, “Link-Level Performance Evaluation of Relay-Based Wimax Network”, International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks (IJWMN) Vol. 8, No. 3, June 2016.
- A.-R. Ahmed, K.W. Yeom, "A Low Cost Noise Wave Correlator for Noise Parameters Extraction By Cold Noise Power Measurement," International Journal of Wireless and Microwave Technologies, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 10-21, Sept. 2016.
- Kponyo Jerry, Kuang Yujun, Opare Kwasi, Zhang Enzhan, Tebe Parfait, A NetLogo Implementation of the Ant Colony Optimization Solution to the Traffic Problem. IET Journal on Intelligent Transport Systems. DOI: 10.1049/iet-its.2014.0285 , Online ISSN 1751-9578 Available online: 28 July 2015.
- Kwasi A. Opare, Yujun Kuang, Jerry J. Kponyo, Mode Combination in an Ideal Wireless OAM-MIMO Communication System. IEEE Wireless Communication Letters, May, 2015, 4(4):1-4.
- K.W. Yeom, A.-R. Ahmed, "Measurement of Noise Parameters Using 6-Port Network," Invited Paper, Journ. Korean Inst. of Electromagnetic Eng. and Science, vol. 26(2), pp. 119~126, Feb. 2015.
- H. Nunoo-Mensah, Boateng, K. O. and J. D. Gadze "Comparative Analysis of Energy Usage of Hash Functions in Secured Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol. 109, No. 11, pp. 20-23, January 2015.
- A.-R. Ahmed, K.W. Yeom," An Extraction of Two-Port Noise Parameters From Measured Noise Powers Using An Extended Six-Port Network," IEEE Trans. Mirowave Theory and Techniques, vol. 62, no. 10, Oct. 2014.
- D. H. Lee, A.-R. Ahmed, S. W. Lee, K.W. Yeom, "Measurement of the Noise Parameters of On-Wafer Type DUTs Using 8-Port Network," Journ. Korean Inst. of Electromagnetic Eng. and Science, vol. 25(8), pp. 808-820, Aug. 2014.
- Griffith S. Klogo, James D. Gadze and Henry Diawuo, “Radio Coverage Analysis of Anchor Nodes for the Localization and Monitoring of Smart Energy Meters” (SEM), International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 85 – No 13, January 2014
- Griffith S. Klogo, James D. Gadze and H. Nunoo-Mensah, “Secured Clustered Network for Localization and Monitoring of Smart Energy Meters (SEM) in Ghana”. International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 89 – No.4, March 2014
- Yang Xing, Kuang Yujun, Kponyo Jerry John, A Routing Strategy with Distributed Location Service for VANETs, Journal of Chongqing University of Post and Telecommunication(Natural Science Edition), October 2014, 26(5):598-604. (ISSN: 1673-825X).
- Griffith S. Klogo and James D. Gadze, Energy Constraints of Localization Techniques in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN): A Survey International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 75– No.9, August 2013
- Zhang Enzhan, Yujun Kuang, Jerry John Kponyo. Analysis of Packets Reception Rate for One-Hop broadcast in 2-D VANETs. Smart Computing Review, April 2013, 3(2): 86-102 .
- H. C. Jeong, B.I Son, D.H Lee, A.-R. Ahmed, K.W. Yeom, "Design of a GaN HEMT Power Amplifier Using Output Matching Circuit with Arbitrary Harmonic Impedances," Journ. Korean Inst. of Electromagnetic Eng. and Science, vol. 24,(11), pp. 1034~1046, Nov. 2013.
- H. C. Jeong, B.I Son, D.H Lee, A.-R. Ahmed, K.W. Yeom, "Design of a Miniaturized 5.3 GHz 360° Analog Phase Shifter," Journ. Korean Inst. of Electromagnetic Eng. and Science, vol. 24(6), pp. 602 ∼ 612un. 2013.
- E.T. Tchao, K. Diawuo, W. K. Ofosu, E. Affum “A Performance Case Study of Electronic Governance Implementation in Ghana with WiMAX Technology”. International Journal of Computer Applications; 71(14). DOI:10.5120/12423-8972, 06/2013.
- E Affum, E. T. Tchao, K Diawuo, K Agyekum “Wideband Parameters Analysis and Validation for Indoor radio Channel at 60/70/80GHz for Gigabit Wireless Communication employing Isotropic, Horn and Omni directional Antenna”. International Journal of Computer Science and Applications DOI:10.14569/IJACSA.2013.040638, 06/2013
- E. T. Tchao, W. K. Ofosu, K Diawuo, Kwame Agyekum “Interference Simulation and Measurements for a Deployed 4G-WiMAX Network In an Urban Sub-Saharan African Environment”. International Journal of Computer Applications 71(14). DOI:10.5120/12424-8973, 06/2013.
- Enzhan Zhang, Yujun Kuang, Jerry John Kponyo. A Time and Area Limited Epidemic Forwarding Method for Alleviating Vehicular Traffic Congestion. Smart Computing Review. August 2012, 2(3):220-230.
- A-R Ahmed, J.J. Kponyo, K.S. Nwizege, K.A. Opare, , H Hamdoun, L.O.Akazua, S. Alshehri, and H. Frank. The 6-port Network Technique for Extraction of 2-Port DUT Noise Correlation Matrix: A Theoretical Verification through Modeling and Simulation, International Journal of Simulation- Systems, Science and Technology- IJSSST: Vol. 17, No. 6.(Accepted)
- H. Frank, J.J. Kponyo, K.S. Nwizege, A-R Ahmed, H Hamdoun, L.O.Akazua and S. Alshehri., Efficient RFID Modulation Scheme for Better Ubiquitous Network Performance, International Journal of Simulation- Systems, Science and Technology- IJSSST: Vol. 17, No.6.(Accepted)
Conference Papers
- J. Kponyo, K. Opare, N. S. Kenneth, A.-R. Ahmed, H. Hamdoun, L. U. Akazua, S. Alshehri, H. I. Frank, "A distributed Intelligent Traffic System Using Ant Colony Optimization: A NetLogo Modeling Approach," Proc. of IEEE UKSim-AMSS 18th International Conference on Modeling and Simulations, UKSim 2016, Cambridge, March 25th-27th 2016.
- J. Kponyo, K. Opare, N. S. Kenneth, A.-R. Ahmed and K. Komadi, "An Ant Colony Optimization Solution to the Optimum Travel Path Determination Problem in VANETs: A NetLogo Modeling Approach", Proc. MOBILITY 2015, Brussels, June 2015.
- A.-R. Ahmed, J. Kponyo, K. Opare, N. S. Kenneth and K. Koumadi, "Temperature Calibration of a Passive Eight-Port Network for Noise Parameters Measurement", Proc. of IEEE UKSim-AMSS 17th International Conference on Modeling and Simulations, UKSim2015, Cambridge, March 2015.
- A.-R. Ahmed, K. W. Yeom, "Noise Parameters Measurement Using an Eight-Port Network,"Proc. of Korea Institute of Communication and Information Sciences., May 2014.
- Jerry Kponyo, Yujun Kuang, Enzhan Zhang, Dynamic Travel Path Optimization System Using Ant Colony Optimization. In: Proc. of 16th International Conference on Computer Simulations and Modeling, AMSS-UKSIM2014, Cambridge (Emmanuel College), United Kingdom, 2014, pp.141-147.
- A.-R. Ahmed, D.H. Lee, K. W. Yeom, "Simplified Calibration of Six-Port Network For Noise Parameters Measurement," Proc. of Korean Inst. of Electromagnetic Eng. and Science, Aug. 2013.
- H. C. Jeong, H. S. Oh, A.-R. Ahmed, K. W. Yeom, "Design of X-band 40W Pulse-Driven GaN HEMT Power Amplifier" Proc. of Asia–Pacific Microwave Conference, Dec. 2012.
- Jerry John Kponyo, Yujun Kuang, Enzhan Zhang, Kamenyi Domenic, VANET Cluster-on-Demand Minimum Spanning Tree Prim Clustering Algorithm. In: Proc. of International Conference on Computational Problem Solving, (ICCP), Jiu Zhai Valley, 2013, pp.101-104.
- Kponyo Jerry, Yujun Kuang, Opare Kwasi, Nwizege Kenneth, Abdul-Rahman Ahmed, Koudjo Kumadi, A NetLogo Modeling Approach to an Ant Colony Optimization Solution to the Dynamic Travel Path Optimization Problem in VANETS. In: Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Mobile Services, Resources and Users, (MOBILITY 2015), Brussels, Belgium, June, 21-26, 2015, pp. 24-30.
- Oteng Gyasi Kwame, Mubarak Sani Ellis, Kponyo Jerry John, A wideband single fed circularly polarized slot antenna for multi-band applications. In: Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Instrumentation and Measurement, Sensor Networks and Automation (IMSNA), Toronto, Canada, 2013, pp. 620-623.
- M. S. Ellis, “Miniature staircase profile printed monopole antenna for ultrawideband applications,” Cross Strait Quad-Regional Radio Science and Wireless Technology Conference. (CSQRWC), pp. 237 – 240, 2013.